Dinis Sousa named principal conductor of Royal Northern Sinfonia

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The appointment accompanies the chamber orchestra's plans for its recovery strategy from the pandemic

The Royal Northern Sinfonia has appointed Portuguese conductor Dinis Sousa as its new principal conductor.

Sousa will work alongside RNS musicians to reach new audiences - in schools, online, and across the north east. 

Sousa said that 'from the first moment that I conducted RNS, I immediately felt at home. The excitement of their making-music is palpable and they have a collective energy and commitment that I find inspiring. I’m honoured to become their new principal conductor and I’m hugely looking forward to what the future brings.'

Sousa is founder and artistic director of Orquestra XXI, an award-winning orchestra that brings together Portuguese musicians living around the world, for which in recognition of his work he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of Prince Henry in Portugal. He also works closely with Sir John Eliot Gardiner and his ensembles, having been appointed assistant conductor of the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras in 2018.

On 1 May Royal Northern Sinfonia will launch a large-scale participation project bringing community and professional singers and players together. Verdi’s Requiem has been chosen to commemorate those who lost their lives to Covid-19. Initial preparation for all participants will start online before moving to live rehearsals. The full project with more information on registering interest will be launched on 1 May.

Watch an introduction from Dinis Sousa below.

