New concert series to stream direct to NHS hospitals
Friday, January 15, 2021
City Music Foundation's free lunchtime concert series will run throughout 2021
The series will present City Music Foundation's new 2020 CMF Artists (and some former artists) through free monthly lunchtime recitals from Barts Great Hall, in partnership with Barts Heritage.
These concerts were originally intended for in-person audiences alongside live broadcast, but will at present just be streamed live to audiences at home and directly to NHS patients and staff.
The first concert is on 27 January at 1pm with cellist Ariana Kashefi and a guest appearance from CMF guitarist Andrey Lebedevat St Bartholomew's Hospital Great Hall. It is being broadcast live online as well as throughout all screens at St Bart's Hospital itself.
To access the live stream, sign up via eventbrite.