Number of UK Music GCSE students continues to fall

Hattie Fisk
Friday, August 25, 2023

The number of students taking GCSE Music in England has fallen by 36% since 2010 – the year the Ebacc was introduced

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The Joint Council of Qualifications has today announced a 12.5% decline in GCSE Music entries since 2022. 

Other than a slight increase in 2015, entry figures in England have consistently fallen since 2008, when the number hit 54,230. The figure now stands at 29,732. 

Across the UK, the number of Music GCSE entries has decreased by 14.4% since 2019, moving from 38,511 to 32,980. 

Commenting, ISM chief executive Deborah Annetts says, ‘A 12.5% drop in GCSE music entries in just one year is clearly of great concern and follows a pattern of decline spanning since 2010 when the EBacc was introduced.’

‘As the ISM and many other have said for years, for a truly broad and balanced curriculum with music and creative education a cornerstone in our schools, reform of accountability measures such as the EBacc and Progress 8 is desperately required,' she adds. 

‘Studying music and creative subjects is not only good for student’s education but without it we put our important creative pipeline and the chancellor’s hopes for growth in the creative industries at risk. All students deserve access to high-quality music education in school.’ 


This article was originally published by Music Teacher Magazine. You can find the original version of this article here.