A Song for Us: arts project maps musical responses to pandemic

Monday, January 25, 2021

From today, the public are invited to share a song that has held special meaning for them during the Covid-19 crisis.

In addition, songwriters are invited to create and upload original songs that capture their experience of the pandemic.

The project has also commissioned musicians across genres to write new songs inspired by the people of their county. Performed by local ensembles, these first commissions will premiere from 23 March 2021 on asongforus.org - one year on from the start of lockdown.

It aims to keep people connected across the country, with local choirs, ensembles and orchestras brought together in a shared virtual space.

A Song for US aims to expand across the country, commissioning another ten composers through regional partnerships. These songs will be premiered each months from June 2021 to March 2022.

For more information visit asongforus.org