Bravo Maestros launches nominations for 100 Maestros initiative

Florence Lockheart
Monday, March 14, 2022

The new initiave will recognise 100 classical musicians from diverse backgrounds each year.

© Scott Caizley
© Scott Caizley

Bravo Maestros, a social enterprise and network which aims to bring together and celebrate classical musicians from diverse backgrounds, has launched the first round of nominations for its annual 100 Maestros initiative which will recognise 100 classical musicians from diverse backgrounds each year.

The organisation will also be conducting a nationwide review on diversity in the classical music industry to highlight and document the barriers musicians from underrepresented backgrounds face.

Founded earlier this year by Scott Caizley, a nationally recognised researcher and policy expert, the network is the first of its kind. Caizley noted: ‘The classical music industry is a world which has been evolved and developed by white and extremely advantaged men… It can be a daunting and scary world for anyone who is different and that’s why Bravo Maestros exists - to bring together and celebrate diversity to ensure that classical music remains relevant in society for many more years to come’

The initiative will have its first annual conference in November. The event will bring together musicians, academics and professionals under the theme of ‘reimagining classical music for a post-pandemic society’. Caizley noted: ‘The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated longstanding inequalities across the classical music sector forcing many to reimagine how things were done’.

The Bravo Maestros network is open to everyone who wishes to join and welcome new ideas on how equal opportunity be achieved across the sector.

You can find out more about Brav​o Maestros here.