Britten Pears Arts launches three-year programme to boost accessibility

Florence Lockheart
Thursday, May 9, 2024

The programme will cost £13.4 million, of which £750,000 will come from Arts Council England’s capital investment programme

Building work will include improvements to Snape Maltings’s Concert Hall and the site's flood defences © Britten Pears Arts
Building work will include improvements to Snape Maltings’s Concert Hall and the site's flood defences © Britten Pears Arts

Britten Pears Arts has today announced the launch of a three-year capital programme which will increase work with the community and improve accessibility and sustainability (both financial and environmental) across the organisation’s buildings and sites.

The capital programme is expected to cost £13.4 million of which £4.8 million has already been raised from individuals, trusts and foundations as well as £750,000 of government funding from Arts Council England’s (ACE) Capital Investment Programme. The ACE funds will go towards building works, equipment and other assets to improve access and reduce environmental impact.

Britten Pears Arts chief executive Roger Wright said: ‘This programme will create transformational benefits for Britten Pears Arts, our audiences, communities and musicians. The sensitive improvements to the buildings will resolve access and sustainability challenges which mean everyone will be able to enjoy the activities we present in them. We offer huge thanks to Arts Council England and all the other funders for their vital support. Whilst there remains a big funding challenge which we have to overcome, I am confident that we will meet it, and am proud of what we have achieved so far, as we continue to respect our heritage and protect our future.’

The majority of the works are planned to take place in 2025 and 2026. Most regular activity will be able to continue throughout this period and the Aldeburgh Festival and Britten Pears Arts summer performance programme will not be impacted. A fundraising campaign is also planned for early 2026 to secure the remaining funds.

Building work will also include improvements to Snape Maltings’ flood defences in collaboration with the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust (AOET) and the East Suffolk Water Management Board (ESWMB). Funding has been secured from the Environment Agency for the flood defence works and parallel works will also take place to implement improvements to outdoor public spaces and access routes.

Upgrades to the Snape Maltings Concert Hall will include auditorium seating improvements, upgraded lighting, an extra passenger lift, refurbished toilets and better kitchen facilities, while works in the Britten Pears Building  will include the installation of a new lift, as well as roof insulation, photovoltaic panels and a renewable heating system. Accommodation for musicians on the Snape Maltings site will be expanded and a new Discovery Centre will be built on the site as well as a new visitor exhibition at The Red House.