Francis Jackson: Musicians pay tribute to organist and composer
Florence Lockheart
Thursday, January 13, 2022
The renowned organist and composer died peacefully on Monday at the age of 104

(c) Matthew Johnson
Musicians across the UK have offered tributes in recognition of the life and work of organist and composer Francis Jackson, who died peacefully on Monday (10 January) surrounded by his family in York at the age of 104.
The dean of York, Jonathan Frost said: ‘Today the community at York Minster mourns the loss of an inspirational organist emeritus. Until the very end of his life, Francis retained an active, humorous and intellectually razor-sharp interest in the musical life of York Minster.’
Born on 2 October 1917 in Malton, North Yorkshire, Jackson became a schoolboy chorister with York Minster in 1929. After serving WWII, he returned to York Minster as Master of the Music in 1946 and was appointed a Fellow of the Royal School of Church Music in the same year, making him the school’s longest serving Fellow at the time of his death.
Serving as President of the Royal College of Organists from 1972 to 1974, Jackson was appointed an OBE for services to music in 1978. This would later be promoted to a CBE as part of the Queen’s birthday honours in 2007.
Jackson remained in the role of Master of Music for 36 years alongside his career as an organ recitalist and composer. Upon his retirement in 1982, he received the Fellowship of the Royal Northern College of Music, the Doctorate of the University of York and the Order of Saint William of York.
York Minster’s director of music, Robert Sharpe recalled: ‘His last visit to the Minster was to hear the recently-restored organ, a visit which brought him and us all great joy.’
UK musicians have taken this opportunity to celebrate the legacy he left behind. Peter Dyke, assistant director of music at Hereford Cathedral, tweeted on Tuesday that: ‘As a tribute to the late Francis Jackson, the organ voluntary at tonight's choral evensong at Hereford Cathedral will be his Meditation on the hymn tune Love Unknown.’