Martin Graham steps down as chairman of Longborough Festival Opera

Florence Lockheart
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Lizzie Graham will become interim chair of the board alongside artistic director Polly Graham and executive director Jennifer Smith

Martin Graham © Matthew Williams-Ellis
Martin Graham © Matthew Williams-Ellis

Longborough Festival Opera has announced that founder Martin Graham is stepping down as and chairman of the board, a role which he has held for over two decades. His wife Lizzie Graham will become interim chair of the board.

The Cotswolds-based opera company holds an annual season in a 500-seat opera house created from converted agricultural buildings on the Grahams’ property. Martin and Lizzie's daughter, opera director Polly Graham, was appointed as artistic director in 2018, working alongside executive director Jennifer Smith.

Polly Graham said: ‘Without my father's exceptional energy and drive, this festival would not exist. We continue to be inspired by his tenacity and daring, and intend to keep taking exciting artistic risks as we plan for the future, sharing great opera with as many people as possible.’

Longborough can trace its roots back to 1991 when Martin and Lizzie Graham started promoting opera in the grounds of their home as Banks Fee Opera. The company now has a mission to support and increase access to opera and develop future artistic talent.

The company gained critical acclaim in 2013 with a production of Wagner's Ring Cycle. Music director Antony Negus said: ‘Martin was the inspiration to perform the Ring cycle at Longborough in his newly built theatre, and since my first meeting with him in 2000 I owe him deep gratitude for being my friend and 'comrade in arms' through all our exciting Wagnerian developments at Longborough.’

You can find out more about Longborough Festival Opera here.