Sir James MacMillan launches petition to prevent axing of Classics Unwrapped
Florence Lockheart
Thursday, January 12, 2023
The composer started the petition in response to BBC Scotland’s announcement of plans to remove the music show from its schedule.

Composer Sir James MacMillan has launched a petition to stop BBC Radio Scotland axing music show Classics Unwrapped from its schedule, following the confirmation that the broadcaster plans to cut specialist music programmes Classics Unwrapped, Jazz Nights and Pipeline from its schedule.
The proposed cuts would come into effect in April this year taking the show, which is a valuable platform for emerging and established talent and particularly Scottish artists, off air. The petition, set up yesterday evening, currently has over 800 signatures.
In a statement included on the petition homepage, Sir James said: ‘For the wider classical music community, the programme has a vital role to play and it seems almost an act of artistic and cultural vandalism to stop it.’ He added: ‘This is a silencing of Scotland’s unique musical voice and a stamping out of creativity at a time creativity is most needed. The thriving music scene in Scotland, the many international and award winning classical music festivals, will suffer from this silence.’
The petition is also supported by leading violinist Nicola Benedetti, who cites BBC Radio Scotland as the source of her ‘first ever true professional invitation’. Both Benedetti and Sir James are active within the Scottish classical music sector. As well as taking up the role of Edinburgh International Festival’s first Scottish and first female director, Benedetti is also a patron of the Cumnock Tryst festival which Sir James founded in his native Ayrshire 2013.
In her statement in support of the petition, Benedetti said: ‘Axing these programmes is to perform a heartbreaking disservice to the irreplaceable role they have played in the lives of musicians and music lovers across the country and all parts of society.’
Find out more and sign the petition here.