Two composers scoop first place in the Laudemus! Composition Competition

Rebecca Franks
Monday, July 22, 2024

David Harris and John Sturt share £1,000 prize

Wimborne Minster, Dorset
Wimborne Minster, Dorset

Credit: AdobeStock

Two composers have been jointly awarded first prize in a composition competition run by Laudemus, a Dorset choir. David Harris and John Sturt will share the first prize of £1,000, and both will have their pieces premiered by Laudemus and published by the Royal School of Church Music.

Entrants were asked to compose an anthem for a competent SATB choir with organ accompaniment, and the competition attracted a wide range of entries from young composers across the UK. Sturt won with his introit Te lucis ante terminum, while Harris took the honours for his anthem Hail, gladdening light. The premieres will take place at Wimborne Minster on Saturday 10 August, the culmination of the choir’s annual week singing evensong in churches around Dorset.

A singer, conductor, violinist, copyist and composer based in East Sussex, Sturt describes his musical style as being full of rich harmony, surprising harmonic changes and with ‘a penchant for alluding to folk music’. His past wins include the Trinity Laban Silver Medal for Composition. Harris is an organist, pianist and choral director in Durham, where his director of music at St Oswald’s Parish Church, and he has previously been a finalist in BBC Radio 3’s carol competition.

The competition was judged by Barry Rose (former director of music at St Paul’s and St Albans Cathedrals), Jeremy Jackman (composer, conductor and musical director of Laudemus), Sam Hanson (director music at St Peter, Hammersmith and organist of Laudemus) and Tim Ruffer (head of publications, Royal School of Church Music).