UK arts organisations warn of impending 'Arts Apocalypse'
Phil Croydon
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
A statement signed by 14 members of the UK culture sector calls on politicians to recognise the decimation of arts education

‘Arts Apocalypse’, a joint statement signed by 14 organisations and artists, has outlined the severity of the arts education crisis and demanded systematic change.
The statement (reproduced in full at the end of this article) is supported by the National Education Union, the Musicians' Union, Music for Youth, Black Lives in Music, and the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, among others.
It requests that politicians ‘recognise the problems on the scale that is necessary’. In primary schools, these include excessive testing at the expense of arts provision, and teachers not being trained or equipped to deliver arts subjects with confidence. For secondary schools, problems cited include the EBacc and the excessive focus on examinations and writing.
More generally, the statement criticises how the recruitment of specialist teachers has fallen to ‘dangerous levels’, and how current policy is impacting behaviour, mental health, engagement and attendance in schools.
Politicians of all parties are requested to pledge to allocate specific funding for arts education, halt the decline in the number of teachers, and conduct a full review of curriculum and assessment, giving arts subject associations and educators a place at the table when the curriculum is reviewed.
Chris Walters, the MU’s national organiser for education, health and wellbeing, said: ‘MU members care passionately about universal access to music education – it’s how many got their leg up into the profession, and how we can ensure that the next generation of professional musicians aren’t only those whose families could afford to pay for lessons.’
This initiative builds on a joint MU-NEU music education motion passed at the NEU Conference in 2023. As part of this, joint union member Victoria Jaquiss highlighted the importance of arts and music education and the need for proper funding.
Regarding this latest collaboration, Walters added: ‘The Arts Apocalypse statement will help everyone who cares about arts education speak with one voice and restore these vital subjects to the heart of our schools’.
Time for change in a failing systemThe crisis in our schools is deep, multi-faceted and worsening. The current state of arts education is one of the clearest signs of what has gone wrong with our whole system. A commitment to arts education is essential to arrest the decline and to build an education system fit for the 21st century. We call on politicians of all parties to recognise and respond to the problems on the scale that is necessary. We encourage educators and the wider arts community to push for radical change in their schools and communities. The arts are essential to human fulfilment; they are meaning-making activities which have a personal, social and economic value. But in education, what is recognised in principle is often denied in practice. In an underfunded system, we have seen arts education decimated as school leaders are forced to make impossible decisions on an ever-dwindling budget and a damaging focus on a narrow curriculum. In primary schools, the demands of testing all too often push arts education into a corner of the curriculum. Primary teachers report that they do not feel enabled to be successful arts educators. Initial Teacher Training fails to prepare teachers to deliver arts subjects with confidence. Opportunities for professional development are rare. In secondary schools, the move towards ever greater accountability rooted in the promotion of the EBacc system has a similar effect: students are actively discouraged from pursuing Arts-based routes. Subjects, like English, which the government sees as important have been stripped of their creative content. Assessment in other arts subjects is overloaded with written tasks. Increasingly, the government steers schools to deliver a prescriptive, often centrally planned curriculum, focused on examinations, in which Arts are sidelined. The impact on behaviour, mental health, school engagement and attendance has been catastrophic. We demand systemic changeLearning to be a teacher of art or music - indeed of any subject - should mean learning about the skills and knowledge associated with that specialism. Reshaped by government, teacher education has come to mean something else - a training in generic skills, a lowering of quality. The numbers are plunging. As a generation of students who have been through the declining system reach adulthood, recruitment of specialist teachers in the Arts subjects has fallen to dangerous levels. This negative spiral threatens the very existence of quality Arts education in schools. Where good practice does exist, it is in spite of the system, not because of it. The consequences of not changing course are bleak. We have a system that does not help students reach their potential, that neglects their cultural experiences at home and in the community, that adds to problems of poor mental health, behaviour and attendance. The relegation of the Arts subjects to third class citizens in our education system threatens the future of the creative industries in this country but it also hinders our ability to nurture children to fully develop their talents and interests. It obstructs their access to the Arts, rights which are protected in Article 29 and 31 of the UN Convention on the Human Rights of the Child. We believe that the benefits of a rounded, broad curriculum with an equal focus on the Arts can bring huge societal, economic, and personal mental health benefits to future generations. We want politicians to pledge:
The Arts Apocalypse statement is supported by the following organisations:National Education Union, Access Art, WGGB - The Writers' Union, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education, Black Lives in Music, Equity, Musicians' Union, One Dance UK, Susan M Coles -Arts Creativity Educational Consultant, Artist, UK Literacy Association, Music for Youth, National Drama, London Drama and National Society for Education in Art & Design. |