UK Music release mentoring guide to support music career hopefuls
Monday, July 5, 2021
Led by recording artist Frank Hamilton, UK Music has created a mentoring guide, to offer support and advice to those seeking a career in the music industry

The guide – called Mentoring in Music – aims help new entrants to the industry navigate the best path to finding the right mentor.
The guide's creator, Frank Hamilton, is a member of the UK Music Futures Group, which was established in 2016 to give a platform to the next generation of leaders in the industry.
Hamilton said: 'When it comes to mentoring and the talent pipeline, I think the music industry could be doing far better. There are already a lot of fantastic programs out there, but most of them are massively over-subscribed and under-resourced.
'If this guide helps just one person to understand the process and make it seem more achievable, then I’ve done what I set out to do.
'In truth I hope it can inspire many to seek out their own mentoring arrangements and improve their chances of success, both personally and professionally.'
The guide is aimed at individuals and small businesses and contains an explanation of what mentoring is, the many benefits, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to go about it – both finding a mentor or becoming one yourself.
Download the guide here.
Download the directory here.